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Upcoming and Past Concerts

  • Asia Pacific Drummer Competition Final Battle Concert 2023
    Asia Pacific Drummer Competition Final Battle Concert 2023
    Sun, Jul 02
    Shatin Town Hall Auditorium
    Jul 02, 2023, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    Shatin Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, Hong Kong
    Jul 02, 2023, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    Shatin Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, Hong Kong
    Top 3 drummers of 5 Categories will be invited yo attend the Live Battle Performance
  • Drums N Move II 鼓動節拍 II 22-23
    Drums N Move II 鼓動節拍 II 22-23
    Sat, Jul 01
    Shatin Town Hall Auditorium
    Jul 01, 2023, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
    Shatin Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, Hong Kong
    Jul 01, 2023, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
    Shatin Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, Hong Kong
    參與演出嘉賓和學校 香港培正小學 寶血會培靈學校 粉嶺公立學校 路德會沙崙學校 仁德天主教小學 裘錦秋中學(葵涌) 天主教新民書院 明愛元朗陳震夏中學 順德聯誼總會伍冕端小學 神召會德萃書院(小學部) 柏立基教育學院校友會何壽基學校 三水同鄉會禤景榮學校 香港國際鼓手節軍鼓隊
  • Drums N Move I 鼓動節拍 I 22-23
    Drums N Move I 鼓動節拍 I 22-23
    Sun, Jun 25
    Ko Shan Theatre New Wing
    Jun 25, 2023, 3:00 PM – 4:10 PM
    Ko Shan Theatre New Wing, 77 Ko Shan Rd, Hok Yuen, Hong Kong
    Jun 25, 2023, 3:00 PM – 4:10 PM
    Ko Shan Theatre New Wing, 77 Ko Shan Rd, Hok Yuen, Hong Kong
    參與演出嘉賓和學校 裘錦秋中學(屯門) 沙頭角中心小學 啟基學校(港島) 獻主會聖母院書院 天主教總堂區學校 獻主會溥仁小學 基督教香港信義會信愛學校 香港國際鼓手節軍鼓隊
  • 鼓動節拍 聯校結業音樂會“Drums In Move” Finale Concert 2022
    鼓動節拍 聯校結業音樂會“Drums In Move” Finale Concert 2022
    Sold Out
    Sun, Jun 26
    Ko Shan Theatre
    Jun 26, 2022, 3:00 PM – 5:15 PM GMT+8
    Ko Shan Theatre, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
    Jun 26, 2022, 3:00 PM – 5:15 PM GMT+8
    Ko Shan Theatre, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
    ⾨票於5⽉26⽇起在各城市售票網售票處、網上、 流動購票應⽤程式及信⽤卡電話購票熱線發售。
  • 2021 Asia Pacific Drummer Competition  Ceremony
    2021 Asia Pacific Drummer Competition  Ceremony
    Sold Out
    Sun, Oct 31
    Hang Seng University Auditorium
    Oct 31, 2021, 7:00 PM
    Hang Seng University Auditorium , Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Hong Kong
    Oct 31, 2021, 7:00 PM
    Hang Seng University Auditorium , Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Hong Kong
  • Drums N Move Demo Concert Series
    Drums N Move Demo Concert Series
    Sold Out
    Fri, Sep 03
    School Hall
    Sep 03, 2021, 10:00 AM GMT+8 – Sep 13, 2021, 2:05 PM GMT+8
    School Hall, Hong Kong
    Sep 03, 2021, 10:00 AM GMT+8 – Sep 13, 2021, 2:05 PM GMT+8
    School Hall, Hong Kong
  • Drums N Move In school Finale Concert Series
    Drums N Move In school Finale Concert Series
    Sold Out
    Tue, Jun 08
    School Hall
    Jun 08, 2021, 11:00 AM – Jul 12, 2021, 1:00 PM
    School Hall, Hong Kong
    Jun 08, 2021, 11:00 AM – Jul 12, 2021, 1:00 PM
    School Hall, Hong Kong
  • Concert by Senri Kawaguch
    Concert by Senri Kawaguch
    Sold Out
    Sat, Jul 20
    Asia Society Hong Kong Center Auditorium
    Jul 20, 2019, 8:00 PM GMT+8
    Asia Society Hong Kong Center Auditorium, 9 Justice Dr, Admiralty, Hong Kong
    Jul 20, 2019, 8:00 PM GMT+8
    Asia Society Hong Kong Center Auditorium, 9 Justice Dr, Admiralty, Hong Kong
  • 2019 Asia Pacific Drummer Competition
    2019 Asia Pacific Drummer Competition
    Sold Out
    Wed, Jul 17
    Hang Seng University Auditorium
    Jul 17, 2019, 2:00 PM – Jul 18, 2019, 11:30 PM
    Hang Seng University Auditorium, Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Hong Kong
    Jul 17, 2019, 2:00 PM – Jul 18, 2019, 11:30 PM
    Hang Seng University Auditorium, Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Hong Kong
  • Drums N Move Finale Concert 2019
    Drums N Move Finale Concert 2019
    Sold Out
    Sun, Jun 30
    Ko Shan Theatre
    Jun 30, 2019, 3:00 PM GMT+8
    Ko Shan Theatre, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
    Jun 30, 2019, 3:00 PM GMT+8
    Ko Shan Theatre, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
  • A Collection of Legends- The Electric Nomads @ Hong Kong
    A Collection of Legends- The Electric Nomads @ Hong Kong
    Sold Out
    Thu, Jul 26
    Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium
    Jul 26, 2018, 8:00 AM
    Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium, 12號 Hing Ning Rd, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
    Jul 26, 2018, 8:00 AM
    Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium, 12號 Hing Ning Rd, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
  • 2018 Asia Pacific Drummer Competition
    2018 Asia Pacific Drummer Competition
    Sold Out
    Wed, Jul 25
    Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium
    Jul 25, 2018, 5:00 PM GMT+8 – Jul 27, 2018, 11:00 PM GMT+8
    Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium, 12號 Hing Ning Rd, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
    Jul 25, 2018, 5:00 PM GMT+8 – Jul 27, 2018, 11:00 PM GMT+8
    Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium, 12號 Hing Ning Rd, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
  • When Legend Meets Legend-Mike Stern x Dave Weckl @ Hong Kong
    When Legend Meets Legend-Mike Stern x Dave Weckl @ Hong Kong
    Sold Out
    Mon, May 07
    Jockey Club Auditorium
    May 07, 2018, 8:00 PM GMT+8
    Jockey Club Auditorium, Yuk Choi Rd, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
    May 07, 2018, 8:00 PM GMT+8
    Jockey Club Auditorium, Yuk Choi Rd, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
  • 2017 Asia Pacific Drummer Competition
    2017 Asia Pacific Drummer Competition
    Sold Out
    Sat, Aug 12
    Swire Artistree
    Aug 12, 2017, 4:50 PM GMT+8 – Aug 15, 2017, 11:00 PM GMT+8
    Swire Artistree, Kornhill Rd, Kornhill, Hong Kong
    Aug 12, 2017, 4:50 PM GMT+8 – Aug 15, 2017, 11:00 PM GMT+8
    Swire Artistree, Kornhill Rd, Kornhill, Hong Kong
  • BYOS Ultimate Fusion @ Hong Kong
    BYOS Ultimate Fusion @ Hong Kong
    Sold Out
    Fri, Aug 11
    Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall
    Aug 11, 2017, 8:00 PM
    Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall, L5, Auditoria Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
    Aug 11, 2017, 8:00 PM
    Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall, L5, Auditoria Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
  • Benny Greb with Moving Parts @ Hong Kong
    Benny Greb with Moving Parts @ Hong Kong
    Sold Out
    Fri, Aug 04
    Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium
    Aug 04, 2017, 8:00 PM
    Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium, 12號 Hing Ning Rd, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
    Aug 04, 2017, 8:00 PM
    Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium, 12號 Hing Ning Rd, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
  • The 2nd HKIDF 2017 Opening Concert "Eight Color"
    The 2nd HKIDF 2017 Opening Concert "Eight Color"
    Sold Out
    Wed, Aug 02
    Swire Artistree
    Aug 02, 2017, 7:50 PM
    Swire Artistree, Kornhill Rd, Kornhill, Hong Kong
    Aug 02, 2017, 7:50 PM
    Swire Artistree, Kornhill Rd, Kornhill, Hong Kong
  • Motion X Colour II- Ultimate
    Motion X Colour II- Ultimate
    Sold Out
    Sun, Jun 12
    Shat Tin Town Hall
    Jun 12, 2016, 12:00 PM
    Shat Tin Town Hall, Sha Tin, Hong Kong
    Jun 12, 2016, 12:00 PM
    Shat Tin Town Hall, Sha Tin, Hong Kong

Contact Us

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1) The Organization has the rights to publish the contestants’/participants’ images and videos. Any possible use made by the organizer will not constitute the payment of any right or remuneration to the interested parties.

2) Applicants/participants’ are bound by the terms and conditions once the application form / online form / contract is submitted or signatured successfully.

3) The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify entries/awarded have any inappropriate discourses and/or actions, the Organizer reserves the right to make any amendments without notice. The most updated version shall refer to the official website.

4) The Organizer shall be the final authority in resolving disputes. All final dispute resolution decisions shall be final and binding.


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