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Senri Kawaguchi 川口千里
Drummer World Top 500 Drummers. She is known as "TEKAZUHIME" 手数姫 (The Princess of Many Strokes) for her splendid drumming.
高超技巧被譽為 "手数姫"  "TEKAZUHIME" (千手観音)。華語粉絲稱她為。“Drummer World”評選為世界鼓手 500強.
Anthony Chan Yau 陳友
Drummer for the Band Wynners, Hong Kong Music & Movie Producer, Director and Actor.
陳友 - 溫拿樂隊鼓手,香港電影及音樂監製、導演及演員
Dr. Lokyin Tang 鄧樂妍博士
Director of Hong Kong International Drummer Festival. Director of Hong Kong Composers' Guild.
鄧樂妍博士 - 香港作曲家,香港國際鼓手節總監,香港作曲家聯會理事

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