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The Arrival Band is a contemporary “Jazz” trio, named after the monumental, well-received solo album “Arrival” which Russ Miller released in 2007. The trio features the top international artists Russ Miller, Rick Krive and Jerry Watts. The trio focuses on music from the contemporary side of jazz with various attempts such as projects of jazz fusion, arrangements of brazilian-flavoured tunes and etc.

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Jazz Infinity II - RussMiller “Arrival” @HKDrumFest 2016

2016  节日

Russ Miller is internationally known as one of the top drummers of today. His musical versatility has led him to work with an incredible list of over 50 international artists from legends like Ray Charles, The Fifth Dimension, as well as modern stars, notably the Italian cross over tenor Andrea Bocelli.


• Played on multiple Grammy award winning recordings with combined sales of over 26 million copies.  

• Repeatedly voted as the top 5 Studio Drummers in the world, #3 Session drummer (2015) and a 7-time winner in Modern Drummer Magazine Readers Poll

• Russ' Solo projects were voted the #1 educational books and videos in the world (2001-2004) in the Modern Drummer Magazine Readers Poll

• Performed on more than 300 albums

• Recorded for many T.V. shows and over 60 international movies such as #1 box office titles like "Chicken Little", "Resident Evil Apocalypse", "Percy Jackson" etc.  

• Awarded an Honorary PhD from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, China. for his sustained lifetime accomplishments that have benefited Drumming artistry and the Global Drumming community.

Keys/Vox - Rick Krive

Rick Krive's musical career has spanned 3 decades as an arranger, composer, producer, keyboardist, and vocalist.


• Contributed to the ABACO music library catalogue

• Music used in shows such as "Everybody Hates Chris", "Friends", "CNN Europe", “Good Morning America”, "The George Lopez Show" (The Sitcom), "The Today Show", "48 Hours" and etc.

• Motion Picture Soundtrack credits include "Cow Belles", “Moving McCallister”,"Save Me" and “The Ugly Truth”.

• As a recording session vocalist and keyboardist he has worked with: Gloria Estefan, Michael Bolton, Record Producers Rudy Perez and Chaka Blackmon, and legendary Arranger/Producer Charles Calello.

Bassist Jerry Watts, Jr. has worked with a truly eclectic mix of artists at the highest levels of pop, rock, jazz, groove, and world music, having appeared on hundreds of CDs, DVD’s, and numerous film /TV soundtracks.


• Bass Department Chair at Los Angeles Music Academy in Pasadena, CA for the past 7 years.

• Performed in over 40 countries worldwide.

• Performed with some of the most influential musicians in various genre, including Andy Summers, Dori Caymmi, Simon Phillips, Sadao Watanabe and etc.

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